Sunday, December 20, 2009


Okay, okay, I have a problem. It seems like a serious one. I have not posted since summer, and I've become my own worst nightmare. So, since I am probably getting a nicer camera for Christmas this year, I have decided that I going to start up again. Hopefully I'll do better this time around, since I had like what? Six posts last time?

I just can't believe how quickly time has passed. Senior year is half over, and I haven't done anything at all on this site in a very, very long time. Oh well.

So... Christmas is only five days away. I can't say I'm excited, since it is pretty much my last one. The other day I was stting looking around at my room, and I could not believe that I won't be using it starting next fall. That's.. unbelievable. Well anyway, I loathe many members of my family, which is taking away any cheer I have. My sister and I already had our little "party", though. I made her a Joker pillow out of a tshirt I got at Hot Topic, and I bought her a Dexter shirt.

That makes my birthday only eight days away. I can't grasp that, either. I guess it's even harder to imagine turning eighteen if you're constantly being treated like a child.

I guess I'll end this with a list of things (hopefully) to come:

-a Dexter review
-Craft Sale Details
-General Recaps

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Painting Stuff

Billy Mays is dead... =[. What a week. My world is shattered.

I got some weird looking shoes... I dunno, they look kinda old ladyish but I still like them. I love the color.. I've never had cranberry colored shoes before. They were cheap, though.
Seven dollars.

The other day I painted my garage sale stuff. Keep in mind, I had never spray painted anything besides shoe boxes for projects at school, so.. I dunno, they don't look too bad to me, I guess. It was so hot, I was all sweaty just spraying away at a shelf. Lammee.

I love the design on this so much.

It looks like I did a crappier job in this picture... =[

I also painted that ornament hanger thingy. I ran out of spray paint, though, so I have to fix some areas by hand.


I watched The Uninvited... It totally sucked, though I like Emily Borwning for some odd unexplainable reason... I think it is her lips. Yeah. The original movie, A Tale of Two Sisters, was wayy better. The Dark Knight is on HBO now, and I feel compelled to watch it every time I flip and its on. That's both great and inconvenient at the same time.

"That was a very brave thing you did."

"Trying to catch the light?"

"So you weren't protecting the van?"

"Why, who was in it?"

Ahh. Billyyy. Okay byye.

Friday, June 26, 2009


So. It's been a week since I posted last... it's so weird how that happens. What, do I have six posts? I definitely understand the not posting thing now.

Since my last post, I guess I have been pretty busy. Camp meeting was last week at the church I go to, so that took up a lot of my time. I had to help with a few dinners and stuff. We also ran around a lot, going to garage sales and Target and Goodwill.

Then, on Monday, we went to Amish country, so that was cool. I always want to buy everything there.... We went to the cheese place, Heini's (lawll) that they have down there, which is the best. Free cheese samples are awesome. We've been going there for years, which is kinda weird to think about.

On the way home, we went to a Goodwill in Wooster, and this lady said that I was bedazzled, because of my awesome necklace. I got some shoes for way cheap. Here, the shoes cost about four dollars, which is lammee.

I attempted to clean my room, and I rearranged a bunch of stuff (I took out my Cherished Teddies, haha =[ Sadd.) We're having a garage sale next week, so I'm getting rid of tons of crap, like childhood stuff and things like that. I've hung on to all that stuff for wayy too long, and all it is doing is sitting around in the hot attic, prolly melting (Nah, I wouldn't go that far). But I was melting when I hauled all the junk from the boiling attic to the basement.
I love my shelf now, though. All the bears are gone.That shadow looks like a spider. Eww.

I don't know how to price stuff. I think I'm way too cheap. Maybe I can get rid of all of it, then, though. I hate when everything is left over. The past couple times that happened, my mom just packed up all the stuff and sent it over to the Goodwill without even asking if I wanted to keep anything.

I found this ornament hanger at a garage sale for fifty cents. I think it is doomed to be painted black, because the ornament I want to put on it has gold on it. Gold and silver look ucky.

This shelf looks cooler in person, ha. I think its also going to suffer paint wrath.

I got some records when I was in Amish country (they are on my shelf above, now), along with this awesome Beanie Baby. I remember when those were popular... we used to go to the flea market just for those. Pssh. What losers.
I guess I am still a nerd.

I watched a movie called Deadgirl. I'm disturbed about the fact that I wasn't disturbed.

Then, yesterday, I rediscovered Daniel Tosh, since I watched his show, Tosh.O. It was really really funny, which surprised me. I always browse Comedy Central trying to find good comedians, but most of them never stick out. That's real;y sad.

Okayy I just lost my train of thought so byye.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



I really can't believe that it is already Wednesday... That seems crazy. I wish this summer would just slow down. =[ I mean, it's been boring pretty much so far, but geez... it's still wayy better than school. It's been really weird temperature wise, too. It's not exactly hot, but it is still really muggy and gross. I wish it would hurry up and rain some, like its been threatening.
On Monday, I spent the entire day looking for things to put in the garage sale that we are supposed to be holding next month. I felt so sad, too... most of the stuff I found for it are my old toys.. I know that they should have been gone a while ago, so I figured I would just do it and get it over with no, rip-off-the-band-aid style. Basically, I have four boxes of toys and three boxes of other crap.
I found another tshirt to decorate in my mom's pile of garage sale crap, but I can't think of anything to put on it. It seems like all I wanted to do was decorate stuff when I didn't have anything to actually decorate, but now that I have something I am bored with it already.
I painted some magnets. My mom gave them to me awhile ago, when she bought them from Avon. They had these stupid little air freshener things on the back of them, which sucked. The magnet was inside the freshey thing, so when I ripped them off, I didn't realize it at first. Now I have to scrounge up some more and glue them back to working order. The painting of them was unintentional: I had been painting something else and accidentaly flicked orange paint on one of the blue flower petals. I considered leaving it, but it bugged me enough to force me to paint all three of them. I dunno, I like the pink one, but the other ones just seem messed up to me.

I also remembered these books I had bought from Borders a while ago, maybe even around Christmas time. They are these big sketchbooks, and I only paid about three dollars for them, compared to their original price. I can't really remember how much they would have cost full price, but I know that I got a good deal on them.

Well anyway. I bought them with the intention of putting some of my drawings in them, but I ended up printing a bunch of my poems and pasting them into the book. I did it sort of sloppily, but I like how they look anyway. I stopped doing this soon after I bought them, so now I have maybe even thirty or more poems to put in. I thought about this the other day, and now it is all I think about. I hate being obsessive the way I am. It only happens some of the time, which makes it even more annoying.

I watched Spectacular! again. Ha.

I can't think of anything else to say, so... Goodbye. =]

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Look at that.
There is something wrong with me. My friend wanted to watch Spectacular! back in February, and I admit, I did, too. For reasons that I cannot seem to remember, I didn’t watch it. She did. For months now, she has been obsessed with Nolan and the like, and I pretty much stayed in denial the entire time, like I didn’t care about him at all. Sure, there were times that I didn’t care, but most of the time I did.
My friend came over, and we watched Spectacular, and even then I sort of lied. Then we watched X Men 2, pretty much just for the tiny tiny role he held.
I had tried to tell her about this but every time she thought I was mocking her, but yesterday she finally believed me. I dunno, as soon as I started to tell her, everything just got weird. I looked at a few pictures she had shown me, and it was suddenly like I was dying. I mean, I had liked Nolan before, just not like this. Not this serious.

So I feel pretty awful, both for lying about something like this, and because Nolan finally seriously got to me. I don't know how to even explain it.

Why is he so brilliant?? This just makes me want to cry.

This is the best bird for a quarter ever.

I bought a hummingbird at Goodwill. He is awesome. I'm not sure if I should paint him black or not... I kind of like him gold. Plus, I would prolly screw him up somehow if I did.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

More Stuff.

I love shopping for crap to improve so much. I ripped up an old yucky t shirt the other day so I could make "wall art". Ahaha. I did a poor job, though I tried. I've been in love with bird decorations lately, so that is what I used for one of them. I also have red fabric that I need to iron and put on a fourth, but here are the first three. I dunno, I kind of like them. They were fun to make, anyway.

This is the first one... a bird!!

This is the second:

The third was the most fun to make.. I didn't have to follow a pattern, I could just do what I wanted with it.

So... I went to Goodwill today after finishing with my ACT test (which sucked, by the way, thank you for asking). I didn't find much. I was going to buy these picture frames that I've been eyeing the last couple times I've been there.. but no. I did find a skirt there that is the same brand and size as two other skirts I got there a few months ago.. only it i this bright awesome green. That's still weird, though. I mean, I can't tell what is weirder; if someone bought them all, then took them to different goodwills, or if three people with the same size and style are getting rid of their junk at the same time. Hmm.

My Christian Bale obsession has continued... I went to the library and looked for Empire of the Sun, but they did not possess it. So, instead I rented out Newsies and Little Women. I also watched the New World, and I am in the middle of Metroland. I requested everything else, like the lame dork that I am. Sigh.

I also bought these jars, and my mom thinks that I am weird. She must think that I'm a little old lady, or something.

Byee off to watch Pineapple Express, me thinks.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I've always been annoyed by people who have blogs when they don't post anything for massive periods of time. Unfortunetly, I fall into this category, apparently. It's summer vacation, now, and my last post was sometime in April. =[

The summer has been just like any other. My job hunt has failed miserably, and my money stash is suffering as a result.

I've seen a lot of excellent movies.
I went to see Star Trek, which was pretty amazing. Then, I went to see Terminator Salvation, which was bloody brilliant (ha). I've always been a fan of the series, but Christian Bale is just....
Anyway, after seeing that masterpiece of explosions, I started over with the movies, since I couldn't remember much about them. I "discovered" MICHAEL BIEHN. Being pretty much a little, little kid when I first watched Terminator, I had never realized just how gorgeous he was.

Since Terminator, I've become obsessed with Christian Bale. I can't help it. He's just the picture of awesome. I'm a massive fan of Batman and the Dark Knight, The Prestige, etc., but... I had never really watched any of his older stuff. I found many of them on youtube, so that's how I have been spending nights. Ha.

I mean, just look at that picture up there.

I dare you to tell me that he isn't magnificent. =]

I've been obsessed with decorating, recently. I've scoured Goodwill, numerous garage sales, and other various places for things to decorate my "future house" with. *Sighs*. I know that any sort of house is far off, but I can't help but hope. Soo, I've been filling my spare time with planning, painting, and drawing random stuff that I love but wish to improve.

Along with the lack of posts, I discovered by going on Storywrite that I have been really slacking off with my writing. Usually, I would write a few poems a week, once a day sometimes. I hadn't been writing anything, but recently I have been getting spurts of excellent inspiration, which is good.

I bought a fabric marker at Walmart a couple weeks ago, and I'm addicted to it. I've written the McFly logo on like everything available, which is pretty awesome.


And again...

Before you go... look at this nasttyy and unrelated moth.


Monday, April 27, 2009


It is really hot, now. On Thursday, it was a little chilly, Friday it was hotter, then Saturday and Sunday just blew me away in their heat. Yesterday was family day or something. We went to the park, and had a picnic and stuff.

Today was no better in the heat department. I did get to spend several hours outside today during school, anyway.

I'm currently working on painting Joker nails for myself, hah. I'm stuck on what to do with my pinky nail, it's kind of too small for a face.

I got this at a garage sale the other day, and it was totally fugly. But it was free.
I painted it, trying to make it look better.

I dunno.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Finally, Finally, Finally

I have comtemplating making a blog for quite a while now, but I finally decided to today, because I am not so satisfied with my creativity lately. I need something.

I have been overloaded with homework lately (right now, actually, I am supposed to be working on some assignments, more specifically my Open Line), and I am looking for a job and worrying about my future (ha!), but today this seemed like it was way more important than anything else.
Maybe I am wrong, and maybe, just maybe, I will end up living on the streets for making this post. But maybe not. Maybe this is just what I need to actually do something, to actually feel like I have accomplished something.

The other day, I found a blue crocheted key at the school I go to. It was hanging off a tree limb, and there was a website attached to it. It took me until today, but I finally decided to check out the websites (thinking for some reason that there would be instructions on how to make my own).

But, alas, that was not to be. There was something cooler instead. There was a picture of the key I now have in my possession, and it was called the Blue Key of Craftiness, and there were links to other keys and an intro. Someone at my school, I have no idea who, has been crocheting keys and leaving them around school for other people to find. That is one of the best things I have heard in awhile.

Behold, the key:

Well anyway. The paragraph underneath the picture of my key (aha my key?) said to do something creative after finding the key. So, I have made the decision to start writing poetry again (it's been way too long, dear words) and to begin to keep up on my cheapie, homemade (and cooler) version of a Wreck My Journal.
I feel inspired.

I've also been buying stuff for a kitchen. I have no idea where this desperate wanting for a house came from, but I don't think it is going to stop.

I got these things at a garage sale for like a quarter all together, which was cool.

They are crappy. I need to fix them up a little.

(But, of course, I must focus now on a portion, at least, of my classwork.)
Bye (no one)!

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