Since my last post, I guess I have been pretty busy. Camp meeting was last week at the church I go to, so that took up a lot of my time. I had to help with a few dinners and stuff. We also ran around a lot, going to garage sales and Target and Goodwill.
Then, on Monday, we went to Amish country, so that was cool. I always want to buy everything there.... We went to the cheese place, Heini's (lawll) that they have down there, which is the best. Free cheese samples are awesome. We've been going there for years, which is kinda weird to think about.
On the way home, we went to a Goodwill in Wooster, and this lady said that I was bedazzled, because of my awesome necklace. I got some shoes for way cheap. Here, the shoes cost about four dollars, which is lammee.
I attempted to clean my room, and I rearranged a bunch of stuff (I took out my Cherished Teddies, haha =[ Sadd.) We're having a garage sale next week, so I'm getting rid of tons of crap, like childhood stuff and things like that. I've hung on to all that stuff for wayy too long, and all it is doing is sitting around in the hot attic, prolly melting (Nah, I wouldn't go that far). But I was melting when I hauled all the junk from the boiling attic to the basement.
I don't know how to price stuff. I think I'm way too cheap. Maybe I can get rid of all of it, then, though. I hate when everything is left over. The past couple times that happened, my mom just packed up all the stuff and sent it over to the Goodwill without even asking if I wanted to keep anything.
I found this ornament hanger at a garage sale for fifty cents. I think it is doomed to be painted black, because the ornament I want to put on it has gold on it. Gold and silver look ucky.
This shelf looks cooler in person, ha. I think its also going to suffer paint wrath.
I got some records when I was in Amish country (they are on my shelf above, now), along with this awesome Beanie Baby. I remember when those were popular... we used to go to the flea market just for those. Pssh. What losers. I guess I am still a nerd.
I watched a movie called Deadgirl. I'm disturbed about the fact that I wasn't disturbed.
Then, yesterday, I rediscovered Daniel Tosh, since I watched his show, Tosh.O. It was really really funny, which surprised me. I always browse Comedy Central trying to find good comedians, but most of them never stick out. That's real;y sad.
Okayy I just lost my train of thought so byye.
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